Who We Are
We are an organization with the main goal of bringing Progressives together to fight to get money out of politics.
Until money is out of politics, we cannot successfully champion for the policies a majority of Americans want. Currently, our politicians are compromised by the money they receive from corporations and lobbyists. They don’t work for us. They work for the donors.
You can see the corruption in action by visiting OpenSecrets.org and choosing your state’s Senator. View the top donors and compare them to the way your Senator has voted on legislation matching that donor’s industry. For example, gun reform legislation. If your Senator voted “No” on a bill to implement common sense gun laws like universal background checks, and one of their top donors is the gun lobby, CORRUPTION.
Congress is broken. A government “by the people, for the people” doesn’t exist as long as money is controlling our representatives.
What We Do
— We Bring Progressives Together
Our Progressive news and community website, Zany Progressive, has the slogan: Stay informed, Stand united. The news and content informs, while the free Progressive Community unites Progressives for the purpose of fighting for positive change.
— We Build Networks
The Community features forums where members can interact with others who share their views on certain issues. Members can also use private forums to organize, recruit for, and promote events or protests in their state or in D.C.
— We Strengthen
We support the campaigns of Progressives running for local, state, and federal offices. We promote their candidacy, assist in collecting donations, and strengthen their campaign’s chances for success.
— We Educate
The Zany Progressive website features news in government and politics, the environment, immigration, and the current events in these and more topics. We also create content to educate readers on the facts about the effects of climate change, how our government works, and the positive changes we strive to put forward that will improve the lives of average Americans.
— We Protest
The website covers protests and the issues that are behind them. The forums allow members of the Progressive community to promote and organize protests.
— We Encourage
In 2024, the feelings of hope and joy have returned to politics. For so long we have been feeling frustration, sadness, and hopelessness when it came to the dystopian views and negativity being promoted by the Right. It seemed like the Democrats would never fight back and fight for US. Harris and Walt are making people excited to vote again. We encourage people to register to vote, contact their representatives in Congress, and VOTE using our Democracy Tools.